Pack Leadership
Pack Leaders
Cubmaster - Anthony Loporto
Assistant Cubmaster - Colin Blom
Committee Chair - Julie Moog
Secretary - Vinnie Shah
Treasurer - Sayantan Chakraborty
Advancement Chair - Katy Pisick
Membership Chair - Liz McGookinÂ
Campout Chair - Bryan McGookin
Sleepovers - Katherine Peck
Outdoor Leaders (BALOO trained) - Colin Blom, Bryan McGookin, Robert Brown
Pinewood Derby - Bob Hander
Pinewood Derby Assistant - Matt Moog
Popcorn Kernels - Erin Burgo, Aditya Sethia, Akshita Sethia
BSA Troop 121 - Liaison - Jeanne Doherty
Scout Snowsport day - TBD
Cake Bake - Kendall Hander and Bridget Brown
Summer Event - Fourth of July Parade - TBD
Summer Event - Colony Pool - TBD
Summer Event - Ropes Course - Adam Pivonka
Summer Event - Somerset Patriots game - Katherine Stancampiano
Community Service Chair - TBD
Den Leaders
Lion Boy Den - TBD
Tiger Boy Den 10 - Matt Guida
Wolves Boy Den 1 - Danny Song
Bears Boy Den 9 - Robert Brown and Bridget Brown
Bears Girl Den 8 - Bryan McGookin
Webelos Boy Den 7 - Peter Gallagher
AOL Boy Boy Den 6 - Colin Blom