Uniform Help
Uniform website info
https://ppcbsa.org/about-us/shop/ - Scroll down the web page to the “What Should I Buy?” section. Here you can click on specific dens to see the uniform guides for each.
Local Scout Shops Information
Cedar Knolls Scout Shop (Located just North of Morristown)
1 Saddle Road
Cedar Knolls, NJ 07927
(973) 765-9322 ext. 233
Mountainside Scout Shop (Located in the Verrex Building)
1130 Rt. 22 West
Mountainside, NJ 07092
(908) 654-9191
Official Cub Scout Uniform - Class "A"
Lions do not require a full uniform; just a lions t-shirt. Blue scout shirt, neckerchief and slide for all Tiger to Bear dens. Weblos shirts are kakis as shown below. Shirts worn with blue pants or blue jeans - long pants or shorts are fine. Hat is Optional. Adventure Loops are worn on the Cub Scout Belt (optional). Webelos receive pins which go on the colored ribbons on their sleeve, spaced out appropriately.
Informal uniform - Class "B"
Class B uniform is one of the Pack 24 t-shirts; the current version is the standard-issue blue t-shirt given out at new Membership. If you do not have a Class B t-shirt, please contact us at packtwentyfour@gmail.com.
Cub Scout Red Vest - Put your patches HERE!
The red vest is an optional purchase for the Tiger, Wolf, Bear and Webelos Scouts. It is where all non-achievement badges go, like community service patches, World Conservation Award patch, Summertime Pack Award pin, etc. The vest is worn to the Pack meetings as part of the Cub Scout uniform.
An alternate idea for keeping patches includes sewing them on a fleece blanket. Non-achievement patches must not be worn on the blue or tan Cub Scout uniform shirt.
Webelos Uniform - It CAN be tan
Olive/Tan Webelos Scout Uniform
Webelos Scouts electing to wear the olive/tan uniform wear blue shoulder loops on the epaulets, a Webelos neckerchief, Webelos neckerchief slide (or handcrafted slide), and Webelos cap. Blue or olive belt may be worn. Badge placement is same as for blue uniform. Official BSA socks are worn with the olive shorts.
Patch Placement
Right Sleeve - Wear U.S. flag with den numeral (or Webelos den emblem) centered directly below. Sew the most recently earned Quality Unit Award centered with its top four inches down from the shoulder seam. Wear the Webelos colors immediately below and touching the U.S. flag and wear Webelos activity badges (pins) on the colors.
Left Sleeve - Wear your council shoulder patch adjacent to the shoulder seam as shown. The pack numeral is worn directly below except when veteran unit insignia bar (25, 50, 55, or 60 years) is worn. The veteran unit bar is worn centered below the council patch and above the numeral, and touches both. Denner cord or Assistant Denner cord is worn over left shoulder.
Right Pocket - Temporary insignia are not necessary in uniform inspections, but if worn, must be centered on the pocket. The National Summertime Award is pinned centered on the right pocket flap. The Recruiter strip is worn below the right pocket.
Left Pocket - Wear badges of rank as shown: Bobcat, Wolf, and Bear; Webelos Scouts add Webelos badge. The Arrow of Light Award (in metal or cloth) is centered on the flap. Wear knot medals just above the pocket seam, and service stars centered just above knots, or 3/8 inch above seam if no knots are worn.
Not more than five knots may be worn. Wearing sequence for knots is at the wearer's discretion. The only knots worn by Cub Scouts are the religious emblem knot and a lifesaving or meritorious award knot. As an expression of world brotherhood, the World Crest may be worn centered over the left pocket midway between the top of the pocket and the shoulder seam. An Attendance pin and bar may be worn over the left pocket. Up to five ribbon medals (Pinewood Derby, Space Derby, Regatta Derby, etc.) may also be worn above the left pocket.